Our skin is the largest organ of your body, and a vital piece of the elimination system. As it is constantly removing toxins and pollutants via the pores, it is also continuously regenerating. During this process, dead skin cells can accumulate on the skin, clogging your pores and making them look larger. Exfoliation sloughs off dead skin cells to shrink your pores instantly! The best natural ways to exfoliate include citrus, oatmeal scrub and a gentle massage with a textured cloth. Avoid store-bought ones because of their abrasive ingredients and stick with homemade recipes.
Take 2 tablespoon of orange peel powder, add water for oily skin, or add milk for dry skin to make a thin paste. Apply to face. Keep it for 10-15 minutes. So before removing scrub, sprinkle with some water on your face and later slowly rub and remove it. This homemade scrub is good for exfoliating skin.
Oatmeal Exfoliating Scrub Try grinding up some oats in a food processor, add some warm water and apply it to your skin for about 15-20 minutes and then rinse off. This homemade oatmeal scrub is very gentle and it is suitable for every skin type.
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